Saturday, June 16, 2007

O2 Wireless Festival- Hyde Park, London

As i recently discovered, going stag to a festival is not fun. The long lines you have to wait by yourself, the down time in between sets, etc. etc. The first tent i saw as i entered the festival grounds was the XFM tent! I believe the organizers underestimated the popularity of the performers on this stage. One has to actually wait in line to get in the tent. From the outside, I heard bits of Calvin Harris- haven't heard of them but they sounded good. Will try to check out their CD.

As the crowd cleared out in between sets, i marched forward to get a good spot. After waiting for like 1/2 hr- Digitalism started their set (i've seen their name splashed across flyers and posters but i didn't know what to expect. The term "worshipping the DJ" finally made sense to me (well...i must admit i still don't understand it), the whole tent was facing this one DJ and raising their hands in praise! The crowd was jumping, folks were pushing each other, sprays of water from water bottles thrown in the air... "THUNK!" aw.... a boot (i think it was a wellie) just landed on my headed. This is a first! I left the tent shortly after, a little too rowdy for me.

Out to the sunshine i went exploring the rest of the festival grounds and this ingenious contraption caught my eye! Don't you think it's great? Around and around i went taking in the sights and sounds, the XFM stage was running late so i rushed out to watch CSS but only managed to catch her singing "Let's make love" in her signature colourful cat suit before rushing off stage. LCD Soundsystem came on shortly after but after a few songs, off i went back to the XFM stage for the sole reason I was at the fest. The Klaxons!!!!

Can you believe i was one of those peeps i was telling you about earlier? Jumping, pushing, screaming!!! woo hoo! too bad i wasn't on something- some dude was weaving around the crowd selling MDNA (sp?) for about 30 quid. I'm sure it would have enhanced my experience. Perhaps next time?

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